About Me

Hi. My name is Jonathan Morales.

Photography had always been a hobby for me, but I never imagined doing it full time. Things changed when I almost lost my wife shortly after giving birth to our youngest. After being gifted with a Miracle and a second chance with my wife, I decided never again to take things for granted. I left my corporate job, and began to build everything you see here. I am grateful to the Lord for this opportunity and I strive everyday to give my clients the very best of my talents because for me, it's not a portrait, it's capturing a moment in time that will last forever.

So, enough about me! Lets talk about you!

From Left to Right: Myself, my beautiful Kimberly, and my oldest son Jon Andre. This was our 2020 trip to Sedona, Az. Later that year we would learn about the arrival of my youngest.